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College Cheapskate

If it's cheap, I like it.

Effort: 1
Savings: 2
Average number of dirty looks per outing: 2

The Golden Rule of Being a Cheapskate

The Golden Rule of being a cheapskate is this: NEVER buy a drink at a restaurant. Sometimes you’ll end up shelling out up to $3.00 for a soft drink you could enjoy at home for a mere 25 cents (not to mention a drink of your choice. I hate hearing, “We don’t have Coke, can I get you a Pepsi?” Oh I don’t know; I don’t have any cash, can I pay you in monopoly money?). Save money and your health and always order water. And if you absolutely MUST have some sort of tasty beverage, here’s what you do:

  1. Order water (I know what you’re thinking, but wait, this recipe isn’t finished yet).
  2. Request lemons (or limes. Or whatever citrus fruit you please, if you’re feeling adventurous).
  3. Combine the above ingredients and add sugar from the table.
  4. Enjoy.

My friends and I call this delicious drink Poor Man’s Lemonade. Making it may garner some dirty looks from your waiter/waitress, however, so be prepared to tip decently (although you should have been prepared to do so anyway—but don’t let me get all tangential on you while I rant about poor tippers).